Ongoing Programs in Canada

Ontario High School drop out students

The alarming rise in drop-out rates among Ontario secondary school students has become a matter of grave concern. In 2005, when the Children’s Dignity Foundation (CDF) became aware that a significant number of students, particularly those from Asian backgrounds, were leaving high school prematurely, it took decisive action to safeguard their futures. CDF intervened by connecting these at-risk students with Ontario-certified school teachers, leading to a remarkable increase in high school graduations each year. Through these efforts, CDF is transforming the aspirations of these students into tangible achievements, guiding them toward the successful completion of their Ontario High School Diplomas and opening doors to brighter futures.

Empowering Individuals with Disabilities

At CDF, we play host to a strong partnership with Reddi’s Physio Rehabilitation Centres in our aim to deliver much-needed equipments to Canadians suffering from disabilities. 

Beyond our specific programs for senior citizens, CDF also strives to provide special and unique assistance to those seniors and disabled members of our society who are in dire need of help in their basic mobility. In this spirit, CDF fervently works to connect seniors and disabled individuals with their mobility across their neighbourhood and serves as bridge in connecting these individuals with government programs and delivering equipment to these individuals, such as wheelchairs and scooters.

Immigration, Citizenship and Settlement Services

At CDF, we network and collaborate with a range of professionals, including licensed immigration consultants/paralegals are helping all immigrants by way of providing them:

Proper consultations, guidelines, preparations and completion of general applications for immigration and citizenship along with applications for work permit, changing status within Canada, permanent residence in Canada including help completing citizenship questionnaire, interviews, reading and interpretation services and/or attendance at immigration hearings for full legal representations.

CDF takes pride in helping new Canadians settle in their new homeland by introducing and explaining to them the government programs and incentives for low income families thereby helping them all the way to subsidized housing in Ontario.